Chewing is a natural behavior in young and growing dogs. Puppies explore everything by sniffing, licking, and chewing objects they are fascinated with.
All their cute and heartwarming behavior is acceptable, but the problem starts when they start fixing their teeth on anything or chewing something important.
However, before learning how to stop a dog from chewing everything, let us first understand why they chew anything and everything.
Why Do Dogs Chew On Things?
• Puppy teething
• Boredom / Mischief or for fun
• Separation Anxiety
Chewing in puppies is normal and caused either when their baby teeth are breaking out or when their baby teeth are replaced with permanent teeth. When your puppy is between 3 to 8 weeks old, their baby teeth begin to sprout. Again their milk teeth are replaced with adult teeth when they are 4 to 6 months old.
Chewing does not help them relieve pain but it subsides the teething sensations and eases their teething process. Chewing not just facilitates teething but also makes sore gums feel better.
Whereas, if an older dog suddenly start chewing on things when you are not around, it is a clear sign of destructive behavior. They may want to channel their energy into chewing anything and everything to cope with your pet's anxiety and boredom.
When your dog is home alone, they can fix their paws on your leather sofas and gnaw at your dining table legs or just play and ruin your favorite pair of heels and put bite marks on them. And almost all dog parents have faced these situations. Punishing or scolding your dog will not work, because they cannot relate to the recently done mischief or event.
When dogs are left alone at home, they get stressed and agitated from separation anxiety, and chewing objects is their way of relieving anxiety.
Now the question remains as to how you can stop your dog from chewing everything. And in what ways you can make your dog feel better in your absence and save your valuables from getting destroyed? Let us explore in detail various techniques that you can adopt to help your dog.
How Do I Get My Dog to Stop Chewing On Everything?
Your four-legged furry baby is active and energetic, and if their energy is not diverted to productive tasks, it is redirected into destructive behavior patterns.
Chewing is a natural dog behavior, but this doesn’t allow your dog to damage and destroy your furniture and upholstery. Here are a few ways you can curb their chewing and save your stuff.
Daily Exercise
Exercising daily makes your dog tired and even offers mental stimulation as well. A little physical activity will make them calm and help them stop chewing on anything.
Engaging Playtime
Playtime activities, either outdoors or indoors, will burn your dog’s excess energy and satisfy their need for companionship. Hence, giving quality playtime to your dog will avoid them from being aggressive.
Safe Living Space
Creating a safe space for your dog like a crate, a cozy corner of the room, or an indoor dog house is very essential. You can decide a particular spot according to your dog's taste where they can find comfort and feel safe while alone at home. Your dog will be glad about it.
Puppy Proof Home
Puppy-proofing your home would be a cautious and thoughtful step. Keeping your stuff out of reach of your puppy and in a safe location will protect your belongings and minimize damage. This will also prevent your puppy from getting hurt while trying to get hold of any sharp object.
Chewing Treats
Chewing treat stops them from chewing other objects in their surroundings. You can try treats like teething treats, dried pig ears, raw beef bones, or bully sticks. The chewiness and taste of these treats will keep your dog away from chewing living room furnishings.
Dog Chew Toys
Chew toys like smart puzzles, rubber bones, or flavored chew toys are readily available in the market and you can pick one according to your dog’s preferences. These chew toys will keep them busy for many hours.
Chewing Deterrent
Spraying deterrents on objects and furniture will restrict your dog from chewing them. This is a proven method for stopping dogs from chewing things. Soon they will keep away from anything that is sprayed with chewing deterrents. Avert Bitters Solution for dogs and cats is an effective deterrent for this purpose.
It is vital to prevent your dog from chewing objects for their safety and as well as for your peace of mind. However, negative punishments, like shouting or hitting your dog will only make matters worse and make your fur baby even more destructive.
End Note
Every dog on this earth loves chewing. Adopting the above methods is just to make your dog understand what to chew and what not to chew.
Even if you think that your dog will eventually chew on everything, still there is a way to help your dog overcome this destructive habit. With a little patience, lots of love, and some dog supplies, your pet will learn the difference between a chewy treat and a pair of stilettos!